

  • Diploma in Nursing science & Midwifery (3 Years)
  • Diploma In Midwifery (3 Years)
  • Sc. in Nursing Basic (4 years)

Allocated Seat:

  • Diploma in nursing-40
  • Diploma in Midwifery-30
  • Sc. in Nursing Basic-40

Library Facility

Health Care Nursing College has an excellent library with a vast array of books from reputed authors of national and international level in Medical Science, Latest Health related Magazines, available for Reference.

Computer Lab Facility

Computer lab with broad band internet connection. Computer lab is used to provide students with access of many services.

Practical Laboratories Facilities

Modern and well equipped 7 (seven) Practical Laboratories are located in the 2nd & 3rd Floor of College Building. A large well –equipped demonstration Practical Laboratory.

 Rules & Regulation

College Rules

For the safety and security of the institution and the students and top in order to keep a peaceful learning environment students are allowed to meet only their parents and siblings with permission of the Authority in the certain allocated time.

The students will be absent for consecutive three months from the class without permission she/he will not be allowed to sit for the regular exam.

Students will get the library Facilities from 9am to 6pm.

National & international days observation and cultural Programs celebration will be held at college campus with the permission of the authority.

They cannot get admitted to any other institution during the course otherwise they will be expelled from the course if it is proved.

During the course all the original copies of certificate and academic transcripts will be preserved in HCNC.

All the Rules and Regulations provided by Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery council and the roles of the own Nursing College Should be Followed accordingly during the course.

All the Rules stated above may be changed or some new rules may be added according to the necessity of the Institution.

 College Dress Code

According to the DG. Nursing, The Dress code for Female Nursing Students consist of Olive color Kameez, Green Cross Belt, Cap and Black Salwar. Male students were directed to wear Olive color Shirt, Black Trousers and Black Shoes.

According to the DG. Nursing, The Dress code for Female Nursing Students consist of Pink Color Kameez, Green Cross Belt, Cap and Black Salwar and Black Shoes.

 Rules for Library

Use library card signed by the principal to gain entrance into the library.

No books or other Library materials shall be taken out of the library without following the borrowing procedures.

Smoking, Eating, Sleeping and talking Loudly are strictly prohibited in the library.

Readers should not mark, Underline write, tear pages or otherwise damage the library documents.

Anyone who violates the rules and regulations of the library membership and may be debarred from using the library facilities.
